3 Policies for Your Remote Workers to Reduce the Risk of Security Hacks to Your Business


The advent of the Coronavirus has forced companies to allow their employees work remotely from home.  Heimdal Security addresses  three bad habits related to remote work that your remote workers may be making that endanger your organization: In a recent study, OpenVPN reported that 90% of IT professionals believe remote workers are not secure. At the same time, over 70% think remote staff poses a greater risk than onsite employees. So, the good news is that experts are actually acknowledging the security risks of remote work and this is the first step towards addressing the issue. Creating a work-from-home security policy So, [...]

3 Policies for Your Remote Workers to Reduce the Risk of Security Hacks to Your Business2022-10-07T09:49:03-04:00

3 Reasons Your Remote Workers Put Your Business at Risk to Security Hacks


The Coronavirus is forcing employees to work from home remote.  Small to medium businesses are at increased risk to cyber hacking if they don't have the right systems in place and proper IT policies.  Here are the reasons for the risk and what you can do to mitigate the risk. The advent of the Coronavirus has forced companies to allow their employees work remotely from home.  Heimdal Security addresses  three bad habits related to remote work that your remote workers may be making that endanger your organization: Accessing sensitive data through unsafe Wi-Fi networks Using personal devices for work Ignoring basic [...]

3 Reasons Your Remote Workers Put Your Business at Risk to Security Hacks2022-10-07T09:49:04-04:00
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